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English and Many Cultures

Cover Photo
Authors Joan McConnell / Tsuyoshi Amemiya
Genres Readings about Language /
Format A5 / 101P
Price 1,760yen(1,600yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791912575


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Languages are dynamic and constantly changing according to the times. English and Many Cultures covers in a concise but thorough and engaging manner, the history and evolution of the English language.

Key Features
◆Interesting facts and explanations on the history, use and future of the English language. 
◆Topics include: Why English became a global language, the battle over non-sexist language, the influence of bad English on your image, street language in the U.S.A., linguistic laziness
◆Written in clear and easy to understand English
◆Short length makes it a suitable supplementary reading text for the intermediate level
◆Table of Contents: English Today/ The Story of english/ Foreign Friends/ The English Treasure Chest of Words/ The Story of American english/ The Language of Men and Women/ メBad Englishモ/ English Around the World/ The Future of English