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Overall Skills for the TOEIC® Test

with Self-Study CD/Linguaporta

Authors Takayuki Ishii / Emiko Matsumoto / Munekatsu Kajiyama / Joe Ciunci
Genres TOEIC® L&R TEST / Linguaporta
Format B5 / 128P
Price 2,420yen(2,200yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791910182
target score
Audio Language Amer E / Brit E / 他
For Members
Teacher's Manual (3rd printing)Teacher's CD for Half Test

The text is also supported by Linguaporta


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A comprehensive step-by-step TOEIC® course that will help students acquire test-taking strategies.

This integrated skills course will give students useful hints on how to approach the TOEIC® Test as well as brush up basic English abilities. Units are spread over seven pages and contain every part of the test. Each unit has an overarching theme, and each part has its own individual theme. With a focus on effective practice, and questions are arranged according to level of difficulty. There are columns focusing on important vocabulary and grammar, and a special vocabulary and grammar section at the back of the book. The teacher’s manual includes a TOEIC® half test. 

●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details


Restaurant / Hotel / Shopping / Financing / Hospital / Airport / Transportation / Sightseeing / Office Issues / Business / Sports Events / Computers / Personnel / Hiring and Training (14 units)