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AFP World News Report 2

with Self-Study DVD/Linguaporta

Authors Makoto Shishido / Bruce Allen / Mariko Takahashi
Genres DVD / Linguaporta
Format B5 / 120P
Price 2,750yen(2,500yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791910205
Audio Language Amer E / 他
For Members
Teacher's ManualTeacher's Script CD

The text is also supported by Linguaporta.   


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2nd edition of the integrated skills text designed to practice conversational English. This text, accompanied by a DVD, allows students to study up-to-date news stories about current issues from all over the world.

This is the 2nd edition of a conversation-based integrated skills text designed to transform students from passive to active participants in their language studies. Using the most up-to-date AFP video material, it takes up 16 different social issues from around the world to focus on developing listening skills. Reading texts are designed to focus on a simple 300-word level, strengthening reading skills through development of the topic. By developing students’ ability to take an active part in their studies, it will enable students to use critical thinking to express their ideas.

●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details


Aging Societies and Aging Workers / Rethinking Our Food Culture / Restoring Ecosystems in the Galapagos Islands / Virtual Reality and Actual Reality / Winning Hearts With Monsters and Superstars / The Austerity Debate: Bitter Medicine – or Poison? / Disappearing Languages / Fashion for the New World / Homeschooling / Love and Fear of the Arts / Computer Games for Therapy / Medical Tourism, etc. (16 units)