Home > English Texts > A Fresh Look at Britain

A Fresh Look at Britain

Authors Jonathan Lynch / Kotaro Shitori
Genres Four Skills
Format B5 / 100P
Price 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791912827
Audio Language Brit E
For Members
Teacher's Manual hs


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From an intimate look at people's daily lives to wider social issues, this integrated skills text provides a broad perspective of current British society.

This integrated skills book deepens students’ understanding of contemporary British society by examining it from various angles. To help students get a more accurate idea of contemporary British society, the book features units based on the lives of ordinary people, such as a university student and a working mother. Each unit contains a variety of exercises including vocabulary, comprehension, listening and writing. The teacher’s manual includes supplementary tasks that can be used as mini-tests.


The UK in the World Today / The British Royal Family: A New Era / British Politics: Two-Party System Under Change / People Profile 1: A British University Student / The Suburbs of London / British Food is Delicious! / What Do the British Watch on TV? / Street Demonstrations / Nuclear Power in Britain / MI6: The Real James Bond, etc. (Total 20 units)

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