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Let’s Read Aloud & Learn English!


Authors Teruhiko Kadoyama / Simon Capper
Genres Four Skills / Linguaporta / Remedial
Format B5 / 100P
Price 2,530yen(2,300yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791912841
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual (3rd printing)Teacher's CD for Review Test

Notice of price revision

(on items shipped from January 16, 2023)

New list price 2,530 yen (2,300 yen + tax)

♦The text is also supported by Linguaporta


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A remedial text featuring reading aloud that also covers basic business English.

This integrated skills text, which also includes the element of reading aloud, stresses basic vocabulary and grammar, making it ideal for use as remedial practice. The story that knits the texts together is based in an office. As well as being supported by the web-based Linguaporta system, the comprehensive teacher’s manual contains mini-tests, worksheets with full translation, and two end-of-semester tests.

●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details


Pleased to meet you. 

Do you remember me? 

I spoke to Ms. Hayashi yesterday. 

When does the meeting start? 

Can you meet me at the airport? 

Feel free to ask me anytime. 

I’m thinking about quitting my job.  

I’ll give her your message. 

I haven’t received the latest figures.  

The cafeteria is closed today. 

We expect higher sales in China.‚ etc. (Total 15 Units)