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Grammar Made Easy

Authors Mikiko Hirata / Yoko Harada / Eric Bray
Genres Grammar・Sentence Pattern / Remedial
Format B5 / 104P
Price 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791933846
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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A new simple English grammar text that lets students talk.

This is a remedial textbook with a focus on grammar. The grammar explanation pages contain practice questions to encourage active participation. In addition to grammar exercises, there are reading passages at the 100-word level divided into grammatical categories. Also, at the end of the book, there are sentences for recitation for each unit. The teacher’s manual contains for each unit a mini-test and gap-fill questions for the sentences to be learned by heart.


Parts of speech / Five sentence patterns / Pronouns / Past, present, future tenses / Auxiliary verbs / Progressive forms / Passive voice / Present perfect / Infinitives / Interrogatives / Comparatives & superlatives / working with verbs (1) preposition + noun / Working with verbs (2) to + infinitive / Working with nouns (1) preposition + noun / Working with nouns (2) particles / Subject, object, complement (1) to + base form of verb / Subject, object, complement (2) gerunds, etc. (22 units)