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- リスニング副教材
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- TOEFL®・英検
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- 観光英語
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- 英作文・パラグラフ ライティング
- 時事英語
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- 論説・随筆
- 社会問題
- 地球環境
- 科 学
- 健康・環境・ライフスタイル
- 食文化・衣生活
- 医療・看護・保育
- 薬学英語
- イギリス小説・物語
- イギリス小説選集
- アメリカ小説・物語
- アメリカ小説選集
- 英米小説選集・英語圏小説選集・民話・神話
- 戯曲・聖書
- 人物・伝記
- 初級用読物
- 英米文学史・英語史・英語学概論
- 英語音声学
- 英語科教育法
- 小学校英語教育
- 経済・ビジネス・ビジネス英会話
- 理工系英語・COCET単語集
- キャリア
- 法律英語
- リンガポルタ対応
- ActeaBo対応
- EnglishCentral対応
- アメリカ研究
- リメディアル
- 高校~大学用教材
- 研究図書
CLIL: Discuss the Changing World 2
Authors | Miyako Nakaya / Miyuki Yukita / Masaru Yamazaki / Bill Benfield |
Genres | Four Skills / CLIL / Social Issues / Debate・Discussion / |
Format | B5 / 140P |
Price | 2,640yen(2,400yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791972685 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's Manual (2nd printing)Reading Passages (2nd printing) |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This comprehensive teaching text, incorporating CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), is a follow-up to CLIL: Discuss the Changing World. It is designed to help students express their opinions by addressing issues that interest and engage them, including preparations for the growing number of natural disasters, plastic waste, online learning and other changes school life brought about by the corona pandemic, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Students will come to grips with the theme in the introduction, input information in graphs and tables, etc., make use of that information, and consolidate opinions individually and in groups in the second half of each unit, leading to the output stage. The teacher’s materials include a quiz for each chapter.
UNIT 1 Pandemic and People’s Lifestyle
UNIT 2 The Circular Economy
UNIT 3 Road to Decarbonization
UNIT 4 Online Learning and School Life
UNIT 5 Delivery Robots
UNIT 6 Discrimination against Asian Americans
UNIT 7 Gendered Division of Housework
UNIT 8 Preparing for Emergencies
UNIT 9 Ukraine and Afghanistan
UNIT 10 Digital Society
UNIT 11 Climate and Infectious Diseases
UNIT 12 Overtourism and Undertourism
UNIT 13 Multicultural Exchange in Japan
UNIT 14 Changing Africa
UNIT 15 Helping People Make Better Choices
(Total 15 Units)