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2024 NEW
Active Reading Strategies Book 1
Authors | Teruhiko Kadoyama / LiveABC editors |
Genres | Reading Skills / Linguaporta |
Format | A4変型判 / 152P |
Price | 2,750yen(2,500yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791972869 |
CEFR | A2 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (2nd printing)Online question slides for use in class |
Remarks | Complete with online question slides for use in class. ※Editing functions such as copy-and-paste or adding self-produced material are unavailable. ♦The text is also supported by Linguaporta. ★ Textbook introduction video by the authors |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
A pre-intermediate reading book with a focus on reading comprehension strategies (CEFR A2). Using high-quality English texts of around 400 words, it introduces a wide range of topics, from everyday themes to social issues and stories. The exercises are designed to keep students engaged, effectively incorporating vocabulary, grammar, and composition, as well as materials for online classes. Compatible with Linguaporta. The intermediate edition is scheduled for publication in 2025.
●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details
UNIT 1 Traveling the World’s Fascinating Libraries
UNIT 2 Stomp: Music to See and Hear
UNIT 3 The Bremen Town Musicians
UNIT 4 Interesting Laws Around the World
UNIT 5 The Olympic Games: A History of Firsts
UNIT 6 Recipes to Party With
REVIEW 1 (Units 1-6)
UNIT 7 Dancing in the Streetz: House of Hop
UNIT 8 Avoiding the Harms of Light
UNIT 9 Animals Under Threat
UNIT 10 Minimalism: Less Is More
UNIT 11 You’re Joking, Right?
UNIT 12 VR vs. AR: Visions of the Future
REVIEW 2 (Units 7-12)
(Total 14 Units)