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Supreme Reading 2

Authors Makoto Shishido / Steve Taylor-Knowles / Malcolm Mann
Genres Four Skills / Speed Reading/Rapid Reading Extensive Reading
Format B5 / 96P
Price 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791910113
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (3rd printing)


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The second book in the “Supreme Reading” series for boosting reading comprehension skills.

This is the second book in the “Supreme Reading” series for reading comprehension training. While improving overall reading comprehension, this book also focuses on individual reading skills. Its aim is to boost reading comprehension by focusing on enjoyable, appealing topics that are written in simple English. Students will also pick up hints on how to read more effectively. While boosting students’ vocabulary and comprehension skills from the 300-word level, the book also aims to develop students’ ability to decode English texts. It also comes with practice questions and an end-of-semester test.


Smartphones / Fairtrade / 3-D Printers / One Direction / Silent Movies / the Sound Barrier / Extreme Weather / Mark Zuckerberg / Counterfeit Money / Reality TV / Aesop’s Fables / Vegetarianism / The Life Cycle of the Salmon / Green Building / Dakar Rally / Sign Language / The Abu-Simbel Temples / Central Banks / The Nazca Lines / The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, etc. (24 units)