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Intermediate Faster Reading -New Edition-

Authors Casey Malarcher / Shinichi Harada
Genres Four Skills / Speed Reading/Rapid Reading Extensive Reading /
Format B5 / 96P
Price 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791947812
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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This latest edition to the speed-reading series will entertain students with its topics while boosting their reading speed.

This is the third and latest edition in the popular Intermediate Faster Reading series designed to aid speed-reading. Featuring current topics such as charity work, IT and life in big cities, the content will provide students with a high level of interest as well as helping them develop their reading skills. In this multi-skills text, the English is relatively simple, written using a basic 3,000-headword level, and students will up their reading speed assisted by the comprehension and listening exercises. The level of difficulty has been kept low, making this text ideal for students with weaker English skills. The teacher’s manual contains supplementary questions as well as two end-of-semester tests.


Coffee Culture / Helping Others / Movie Directors / Around the World / Yuna Kim / The Puffer Fish / Technology in the Classroom / Interesting Buildings / Bollywood / The Nobel Prize / A Funny Cure / Palm Reading / Amazing Memory / Incredible Dogs / Megacities / Space Explorers / Happy New Year/ Rain / Urban Legends / Extreme Sports (Total 20 units)