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Basic Listening for the TOEIC® Test

Authors Shari J. Berman / Alice L. Bratton / Makoto Hayasaka / Toshihiro Okada
Genres Listening [Supplementary] / TOEIC® L&R TEST
Format B5 / 48P
Price 990yen(900yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791945719
target score
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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Basic Listening for the TOEICTest familiarizes Junior college and first year university students with the format of the TOEICtest. In addition, the practical topics expose students to everyday language that can be used outside the classroom.

Key Features
◆Warm up exercises before each lesson
◆Questions in the exact form of the TOEICtest 
◆Wide range of appealing topics from the first day on the job to renting a place
◆Can be used along with Basic Listening for the TOEICTest
◆Unit Structure: Warming Up/ Test/ Question-Response/Short Conversations/
Short Talk
◆Table of Contents: A New Job/ Time Off/ At Your Service/ Everyone Has to Eat/
An Apple a Day/ This is a Nice Place!/ Clearance Sale/ When Do We Leave? 
(8 Chapters / 24Lessons total)