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Break Away 1

Authors Gillian Flaherty / James Bean / Shinichi Harada
Genres Four Skills / Speed Reading/Rapid Reading Extensive Reading
Format B5 / 96P
Price 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791960217
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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New speed-reading series

This multi-skills text is designed to develop skills in reading and listening comprehension and vocabulary for elementary students with weaker English skills. Vocabulary and sentence structure are kept simple, enabling even beginners to make progress in their reading. In addition to reading comprehension, the main text has several pages devoted to explanations of grammar points  and practice exercises necessary for students to read the text closely as they grasp the structure. The teacher’s materials contain practice questions for each unit as well as questions for two tests. A new addition to the series is scheduled for publication in 2018.


The Dog Walker / An Interview with a Paramedic / The Video Game Tester: not all Fun and Games /The Trainee Chef / Working on an Oil Platform / The Hippopotamus: Dangerous on Land and in the Water / Amazing Travelers: Animal Migration / The Animals of the Camargue / Just a Piece of Seaweed? The Leafy Sea Dragon / Racing Across Snow and Ice / Learning a Musical Instrument /
How to Make a Glass Orchestra / Rock School / An Ancient Musical Instrument, etc.( Total 20 unit)