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Break Away 2
Authors | Gillian Flaherty / James Bean / Shinichi Harada |
Genres | Four Skills / Speed Reading/Rapid Reading Extensive Reading |
Format | B5 / 96P |
Price | 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791934133 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Reading PassagesTeacher's Manual |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
Book 2 in the well-received speed reading series. Develops English reading comprehension through appealing topics.
This is a practice book for a multi-skills text designed to extend listening and reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Compared to the basic text (written at around the 230-headword level), tackling this 300-word level text will promote an interest in reading by satisfying students’ intellectual curiosity through stimulating content. After reading the main text, a summary dictation exercise will boost listening skills, and for increasing vocabulary, there is an exercise that requires students to extract from the main text expressions that have the same meaning. The teacher’s manual contains practice questions for each unit and two regular tests.
Agatha Christie / Vincent van Gogh / Antoni Gaudi / Oscar Niemeyer /
“Capability” Brown / New lives for old phones / Tree Planting Day /
The Crown of Thorns starfish / Pumpkin power / The Aral Sea /
Iceland: an icy “hot spot” / Socotra: a land that time forgot / Lake Baikal /
Etosha National Park / Rapa Nui – Easter Island / One small step… /
Spacesuits / Space junk / Venus / Up, up and away! (Total 20 units)