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Getting Ready to Change the World

−New Challenges, New Opportunities−

Authors Francois de Soete / Katsunosuke Namita
Genres Essay / Social Issues /
Format B5 / 100P
Price 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791972128
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (2nd printing)

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The third book in an advanced-level series, it will help students acquire the knowledge to understand our rapidly changing global era while improving their reading skills. Assuming no prior knowledge, the elegantly expressed and easy-to-understand explanations will help students come to grips with a diverse range of familiar topics taking in culture, society, media, science, and technology. There are also exercises to increase vocabulary and develop critical reading skills, along with interesting snippets of information. The teacher’s manual includes full translations of the texts and columns, answers and explanations, as well as quizzes for each chapter.


Going Viral: How are some people getting so famous online?
Tourist Traps: How is overtourism reshaping life for locals?
Fake News: How does false information pass off as news?
Dead as a Dodo: Why are so many species facing extinction?
Man’s Best Friend: Why is the French bulldog a controversial breed?
The Wild West: Why is the city of Phoenix growing so quickly?
A Perfect World: How close are we to achieving world peace?
Tinted Lenses: Is it possible to be truly objective?, etc.
 (Total 20 Units)