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Trend Watching 2
Authors | Jonathan Lynch / Kotaro Shitori |
Genres | Four Skills / Social Issues |
Format | B5 / 100P |
Price | 2,090yen(1,900yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791934171 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Reading PassagesTeacher's Manual |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
The second book in our popular series that offers unique persective on present-day society.
From what it takes to be a good YouTuber to shopping on Black Friday, this multi-skills text takes a look at social issues from a unique perspective. Written at an easy-to-read 350-400 headword level, it deals with up-to-date and relevant topics that are designed to appeal to college students. Each unit contains a variety of practice tasks, including vocabulary, comprehension and reading. The teacher’s manual contains questions for each unit that can be used for mini-tests.
Fake Online Reviews / What Makes a Good YouTuber? / Selling Viral Videos
Makes Big Money / Retro Video Games Become Popular Again /
Why Don’t We Ask Siri? / Uncanny Valley / Toddlers and Technology /
No More Game-Changing Technology? / Waiting in Line for Delicious New Food /
Sympathy for the Delivery Man / Black Friday / Graduation Trips /
Aspects of Sneaker Culture / The Union Jack as Fashion Symbol /
Trends in Fitness / Smart Rings / Photogenicity / Stress Relief /
Young Women Turn to Gaming / Young People and Criticism (Total 20 Units)