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Two Sides to Every Discussion

Authors Jonathan Lynch / Kotaro Shitori
Genres Four Skills / Debate・Discussion /
Format B5 / 100P
Price 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791947843
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (7th Edition)

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A multi-skills text that uses familiar topics to help learners generate their own ideas

Containing familiar topics such as using smartphones while walking or consumption tax rising to 15 percent, this multi-skills text aims to help students to explain their position clearly and express their ideas in English to their partners. It also contains a large variety of practice questions, from comprehension to listening and speaking exercises. Also, the teacher’s manual has questions for each unit that can be used as mini-tests.


University Entrance in Autumn / High School Sports Clubs / Fingerprint Attendance System / Foreign Sports Players / Experiences vs. Material Good s / First Date / Consumption Tax / Female Pop Groups / SNS / Using Smartphones While Walking / iPhone vs. Android / Gaming / Celebrating Foreign Festivals / Eating on the Train / Ramen Is Unhealthy / Bread vs. Rice / Blood Types / Cosmetic Surgery / Ear Piercing / Wearing Perfume (Total 20 units)