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- アメリカ小説選集
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- 小学校英語教育
- 経済・ビジネス・ビジネス英会話
- 理工系英語・COCET単語集
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- 法律英語
- リンガポルタ対応
- ActeaBo対応
- EnglishCentral対応
- アメリカ研究
- リメディアル
- 高校~大学用教材
- 研究図書
For and Against
-Expressing opinions and exchanging ideas-
with Self-Study CD
Authors | Gillian Flaherty / Masako Sakamoto |
Genres | Four Skills / Debate・Discussion |
Format | B5 / 105P |
Price | 2,420yen(2,200yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791946211 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's Manual |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
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Do you need to go to college to be successful? Are NEETs a serious social problem? Is international marriage a good thing? These are just some of the thought provoking questions raised in the new and exciting discussion focused text For and Against. Written to appeal to Japanese students, this text includes a variety of engaging activities that will help students learn how to use commonly used phrases when expressing their opinions. After attaining these skills, students will become more confident in presenting their views on a variety of current social issues.
Key Features
◆Intermediate level text
◆An emphasis on natural English and practical expressions
◆Reading and listening passages that provide a balanced viewpoint of both sides of contemporary topics
◆Partner-based exercises that reinforce the presentation of ideas
◆Full color text
◆Structure: Before you read / Reading / Understanding the main ideas / Listening / Talking about it / Building a paragraph / Understanding statistics / Talking about statistics