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Global Issues

-An Introduction to Discussion Skills-

Authors Garry Pearson / Graham Skerritt / Adrian Francis / YOSHIZUKA Hiroshi
Genres Debate・Discussion /
Format A4変型判 / 96P
Price 2,530yen(2,300yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791972258
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual (2nd printing) hsTeacher's CD_Review Tests 1,2

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This discussion text, with topics from all over the world, is designed for elementary and intermediate learners. The topics, which include “The Cashless Society” and “Equal Pay in Sports,” are designed to stimulate students and help them to express their ideas more easily. Starting with a listening comprehension to establish the theme, students go on to express their own thoughts. Next, they learn expressions that will enable them to develop a discussion before engaging in exercises that involve repeatedly expressing their own ideas to solidify learning. This text would be ideal for a listening/speaking class. The teacher’s manual contains a review test for each unit as well as two sets of midsemester and end-of-semester exams.


The Cashless Society
Fast Fashion
Plastic Packaging
Mobile Phone Manners
Social Media
Soda Tax
Over Tourism
Improving Education
Coming of Age
Rethinking Zoos
Alternative Energy
Equal Pay in Sports
Gaming Addiction
The Royal Family
(Total 15 Units)