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- アメリカ小説選集
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- 初級用読物
- 英米文学史・英語史・英語学概論
- 英語音声学
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- 小学校英語教育
- 経済・ビジネス・ビジネス英会話
- 理工系英語・COCET単語集
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- 法律英語
- リンガポルタ対応
- ActeaBo対応
- EnglishCentral対応
- アメリカ研究
- リメディアル
- 高校~大学用教材
- 研究図書
Science Arena
Authors | Dave Rear |
Genres | Science / Four Skills / |
Format | B5 / 114P |
Price | 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791972289 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (2nd printing) |
Remarks | (on items shipped from January 16, 2023) New list price 2,200 yen (2,000 yen + tax) |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This four-skills text, intended to boost the overall English competence of intermediate learners, takes familiar themes and treats them from the viewpoint of the most recent scientific developments. Divided into five categories — humans, health, nature, space, and the future — it introduces the most fascinating current topics in cutting-edge science. Encompassing both science and the humanities, it presents stimulating topics not just in a reading format but also by means of various speaking and writing activities. There is also a separate supplement with the important scientific vocabulary practiced in the text.
Real-Life Super Humans
The Advances of Sports Science
Can You Get Smarter in Your Sleep?
The Hidden Benefits of Boredom
Fighting the Menace of Mosquitoes
Growing Food in the Desert
Living at the Bottom of the World
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The Most Mysterious Star in the Universe
Space Flight for Everyone
Could Humans Live on Mars?
Origami for Science
The Future of High-Speed Travel
Computer Revolution
Clothes to Help You Move, etc.(Total 20 Units)